11 Apr
11 Apr
1:19 p.m.
On 11 April 2011 16:16, Faré <fahree@gmail.com> wrote:
Dear ABCL developers, did you ever get to look at the make-pathname bug? for i in sbcl ccl clisp scl allegro ecl gclcvs abcl xcl ; do cl-launch -l $i -iw '(make-pathname :directory nil :defaults #p"/home/fare/")' ; done
Not yet, sorry, I've been extremely busy with off-abcl tasks. I intend to take a look at that problem, as it's related to some pathname matching problems that are on my list.
Could you implement a variant of run-program? It might require some trickery to support both Unix and Windows, but it would be very useful, probably beyond just XCVB.
Seems something worth considering.