Mark Evenson writes:
When 0.16 comes out the door, and FreeBSD (and others?) updates its port, I'll remove the compatibility code. Right now we have to support at least abcl-0.15. Does that satisfy your concerns? I would like to keep SLIME HEAD working with ABCL HEAD, but maybe you wish to do this just with patches back and forth?
Well, if you do the maintaining, I surely don't have a problem with that. For example, supporting up to the previous release sounds reasonably, but I think it could get unwiedly to keep track what changes can be got rid of with the time. In this instance, it's just that people who want to use Slime and ABCL should really upgrade ASAP. That said, please get the release out the door even in absence of Erik. It's a good thing to have more than one people who can roll out releases. :-) -T.