These maven pom files have all been updated and tested on sonatype using my own groupId. A small number of changes were required and it turns out that in a multi-module project the parent module can't produce a jar. This re-iterates the requirement for the main/pom.xml file. I attempted to do without the main/pom.xml file but it wouldn't produce the an abcl package that way.The release was made with the code on a 1.3.2-maven git branch located at . I have updated the pom.xml files on my master branch to reflect the required changes to be fully compatible with sonatype's deployment process.
The deployment process with these pom files is as follows.
1. Change all version numbers in abcl/pom.xml , abcl/contrib/pom.xml, and abcl/main/pom.xml to an absolute version number without the -SNAPSHOT extension.
2. Execute mvn deploy -Dbuild=full
3. Login to oss sonatype, locate the staging repository in Build Promotion > Staging Repositories (in the left menu), close the repository, and finally release the repository.
This is MUCH easier, and more efficient than the current process. Deployment to localrepo is as simple as just typing mvn install and I believe it no longer requires the gpg signing process. These will continue to work without maintenance as long as the ant build targets aren't renamed or significantly changed.
The artifacts I deployed are accessible with the following dependencies. I left in the original group-id commented out since this isn't an official release.
<!-- <groupId>org.armedbear.lisp</groupId> -->
<!-- <groupId>org.armedbear.lisp</groupId> -->
Best Regards,