On Fri, Feb 11, 2011 at 7:34 AM, Mark Evenson <evenson@panix.com> wrote:
On 2/10/11 10:41 AM, Mark Evenson wrote: […]
So, the first step is to add targets to 'build.xml' to package our source and javadocs?
"That's easy!" methinks…
With [r13211][1], the Ant target 'abcl.source.jar' produces a jar source archive that should be suitable for distribution via Maven.
I couldn't find an example of the naming/layout conventions for Maven jars, so I need to hunt around a little more for that.
Naming: the name is given by Maven automatically when you deploy the jar (based on the information in the POM). Layout conventions: I couldn't find a written document explaining conventions. By inspecting existing Maven-generated artifacts, it appears that source jars are laid out exactly like binary jars [1] while Javadoc jars are simply the root docs directory jarred [2]. [1] that is: abcl-sources.jar org armedbear ... META-INF [2] that is: abcl-javadoc.jar index.html *.html org armedbear ...