Alessio Stalla writes:
Too many special cases and deviations from CL for my tastes.
-I- haven't spoken about deviations.
[*] We could require Java methods to be declared as well: (define-jmethod foo "com.xxx.Bar.baz"). It doesn't even require modifying anything in the language, just have define-jmethod be a macro expanding to defun. But we would lose all the convenience.
I'm not talking about replacing the JMETHOD etc primitives; I'm talking about leveraging the package system as a means of integration rather than using a reader macro. The benefits are that it allows the user to customize integration in a fine-grained way, and it provides for smoother integration (and by that merit, is more "Lispy".) It's more about integrating Lisp and Java packages. That's the real problem to tackle (and it, as far as I see, subsumes method lookup.) -T.