Mark Evenson <evenson@panix.com> writes:
On 10/12/12 5:36 PM, Stas Boukarev wrote:
I still get the same error and backtrace.
Unfortunately, I was unable to duplicate at my end after installing x64-ubuntu-12.04.LTS with 1.6.0_24-openjdk-6b24-1.11.4-1ubuntu0.12.94.1.
But maybe things have moved on in trunk enough that you could maybe build from scratch and erase the application fasls via
unix$ ant snap abcl abcl.clean.application.fasls
I currently [need to patch CFFI][abcl-cffi] to get past a error about "u955" not being understood by the BABEL reader.
[abcl-cffi]: http://slack.net/~evenson/abcl/cffi/cffi-abcl-20121016a.patch Now when trying to load cffi from quicklisp I get a different error, a misplaced COND body. A patch is attached.
Further, as I'm trying it on a different machine and it doesn't have maven installed. So it throws a not so helpful error: The value NIL is not of type (OR PATHNAME STRING FILE-STREAM SYSTEM:JAR-STREAM SYSTEM:URL-STREAM). Attached a patch for this as well. Now, after installing maven I'm able to load cffi from quicklisp, but not in my ordinary setup. Turns out the error is actually caused by (:asd :jss), more specifically, by (load #P"/tmp/fasls/.../abcl-contrib.jar!/jss/packages.abcl") Which means that it can't load fasls from directories with "!". After I do (setf asdf:*central-registry* (append asdf:*central-registry* (mapcar #'pathname (mapcar #'directory-namestring (directory "~/lisp/impl/abcl/contrib/*/*.asd"))))) (push 'abcl-contrib *modules*) I'm now able to load CFFI. And also load cl+ssl, although it doesn't actually work. (drakma:http-request "https://google.com") WARNING: JAVA:MAKE-IMMEDIATE-OBJECT is deprecated. WARNING: JAVA:MAKE-IMMEDIATE-OBJECT is deprecated. WARNING: JAVA:MAKE-IMMEDIATE-OBJECT is deprecated. WARNING: JAVA:MAKE-IMMEDIATE-OBJECT is deprecated. #<THREAD "interpreter" {29ED3DA1}>: Debugger invoked on condition of type TYPE-ERROR $Proxy5 is not assignable to com.sun.jna.Pointer And loading cl+ssl in a fresh imaged, after it was compiled beforehand causes: Error loading /tmp/fasls/.../cl+ssl/ffi.abcl at line 168 (offset 9274) #<THREAD "interpreter" {32269133}>: Debugger invoked on condition of type ERROR Class not found: org.armedbear.jna.dynamic.callbacks.G72378 -- With best regards, Stas.