3 Jan
3 Jan
9:13 p.m.
Now this is rudimentary but it works Probably with more time can be improved ABCL-UTILS> (defun unicode-converter (stream char) (declare (ignore char)) (code-char (abcl-utils:name->codepoint (symbol-name (read stream t nil t))))) UNICODE-CONVERTER ABCL-UTILS> (set-macro-character #\? #'unicode-converter) T ABCL-UTILS> ?:|BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT HORIZONTAL| #\─ ABCL-UTILS> El mié, 3 ene 2024 a las 17:31, Robert Dodier (<robert.dodier@gmail.com>) escribió:
Alejandro, thanks a lot for your reply.
Is there a way, in abcl-utils, to inform the Lisp reader to recognize named characters such as #\BOX_DRAWINGS_LIGHT_HORIZONTAL in source code? That is the ultimate goal I am seeking.