18 Apr
18 Apr
8:30 a.m.
On Apr 18, 2012, at 10:20 , Mark Evenson wrote:
On Apr 17, 2012, at 00:00 , aditya siram wrote:
Hi all, If I connect to a repl with M-x slime , disconnect using M-x slime-quit-lisp and reconnect it loads the fasls and then fails with:
Unfortunately, I cannot reproduce your error.
Since SLIME-QUIT-LISP actually does what it sez by terminating the ABCL session, your use of "reconnect" is a bit a misnomer: you are actually quitting and restarting the inferior Lisp ABCL process.
By the way, I always use M-x restart-inferior-lisp to start and stop the inferior Lisp process, which is why I've probably never encountered the problem you are having.