On Feb 21, 2013, at 0055 , Faré <fahree@gmail.com> wrote:
Dear Lisp hackers,
ASDF 2.30 is another stability release in preparation for ASDF 3. Since 2.29, in addition to specific portability fixes for CCL and CMUCL, it notably restores some backward compatible behavior for syntax tables around loading .asd files, using mutable global tables, instead of standard syntax tables.
Just like 2.29, 2.28 and 2.27 before it, ASDF 2.30 is a pre-release of ASDF 3, an almost complete rewrite of ASDF, and includes a vast number of improvements since ASDF 2.26. http://lists.common-lisp.net/pipermail/asdf-announce/2013-February/000014.ht...
We invite all implementation vendors to update to ASDF 2.30.
[…] [r14397]: http://trac.common-lisp.net/armedbear/changeset/14397 -- "A screaming comes across the sky. It has happened before but there is nothing to compare to it now."