On 8/18/11 5:07 AM, Joe Mendoza wrote:
Would there be another way to compile ABCL without implementing Java beans?
I've created a [patchset that compiles ABCL under android-r13][1] by removing the parts dependent on JSR-292 scripting, the rudimentary Swing interface and the parts that allow inspection of Java beans. [1]: http://detroit.slack.net/~evenson/abcl/abcl-android-20110818a.diff I haven't tried actually running the resulting code yet, as I've got to read up up on using the Android SDK so there may well be further hurdles to getting an ABCL interpreter running. As Ville has noted, our compiler currently only targets the Java 5 JVM, so ABCL will only initially run in interpreted mode on Android. Creating the necessary abstractions to target the Dalvik runtime will probably not be a small amount of work, but it would be very useful for ABCL. An implementation path might be to compile to an intermediate format, say LLVMs', and then compile back to both the JVM and Davlik. But such a project is probably beyond the resources of the currently known ABCL development community. If people are prepared to step forward with resources in terms of either developers and/or (potentially) cash, we could start hashing out how best to achieve this. Idle question for the lazy web: Is there currently no other Common Lisp that runs on Android? -- "A screaming comes across the sky. It has happened before, but there is nothing to compare to it now."