On 18 August 2011 06:07, Joe Mendoza <joemndza_212004@hotmail.com> wrote:
To ABCL developers, I tried to use the java to lisp interpreter in Android, however, I received an error message; "Could not find method java.beans.Introspector.getBeanInfo, referenced from method org.armedbear.lisp.Java.getPropertyDescriptor". I've learned that Android doesn't support the use of Java beans. Would there be another way to compile ABCL without implementing Java beans?
Well, first of all, we don't target Dalvik, which is the virtual machine on Android, which is not-at-all like a normal JVM. Second, the runtime environment on Android is not compatible with a normal JRE, so even running the interpreter on it is completely unattempted and very much unlikely to work. Patches welcome. :) There hasn't been a high priority about making abcl run on Android, but it's sort of a bubbling-under idea that we would consider if there was enough time to explore it.