Last year we set a bi-monthly release planning. Last spring, we released once or twice within 6 weeks. This summer it took me - due to holidays - more time to get our trunk into a releasable state. Or so it must have looked from the outside. What I should have communicated is that I'd like to set our bi-monthly release planning to release around the first weekend of the odd-numbered months. Why? Well, it allows the release schedule to continue without suffering from most of the holidays: summer holidays (at least mine) are mostly during august; Christmas isn't around a first weekend and October holidays are rarely close to the first weekend of November. This means that February holidays may interfere with our release planning, but if I look at school holidays, these are mostly in the middle or the end of February. This plan would also mean that a release should be cut around next weekend. Then there's the issue of me being the only one with the right access to SourceForge to upload ABCL release files. We can do two things about that: 1. Give others upload access to SourceForge 2. Host our downloads on c-l.net The second option would make any committer a release manager, if we decided to do that [because we would commit the releases to our repository, which automatically updates our site]. The reason our downloads are currently hosted on SF is that they provide nice download stats. If we decide we don't need those or that we can create those stats ourselves on c-l.net, there's no reason to continue with SF. What are your comments? Bye, Erik.