On Thu, Feb 4, 2010 at 7:52 AM, Alessio Stalla
<alessiostalla@gmail.com> wrote:
Afaik, declaring methods to be final has little impact on performance
with recent JVMs. HotSpot is able to infer if a method can or not be
overridden and perform the appropriate optimizations. If later on a
class is dynamically loaded that overrides an optimized method,
HotSpot will "unoptimize" it.
What I meant by final wasn't about final modifiers on methods.
What i refer to is when at compile time there is only one possible call site.
for instance (jcall "toString" (jnew "java.lang.Integer" 1))
the emitted bytecode can invokevirtual "java.lang.Integer" "toString" ref0;