On 22/10/13 2026 , Faré wrote:
Testing ASDF found several bugs in ABCL.
cd ~/cl/asdf/
abcl --noinform --eval '(or`#.(load(string`|test/script-support.lisp|)`:verbose():print())#.(asdf-test::exit-lisp`0))' Failed to require LOOP because 'Illegal function object: (bqv).'
Maximum error depth exceeded (11 nested errors) with 'Illegal function object: (bqv).'.
abcl --noinform --eval "(or'#.(load(string'|test/script-support.lisp|):verbose():print())#.(asdf-test::exit-lisp'0))"
So your backquote parser is broken somehow.
Nope, not our backquote parser but [traced down to problems in how `--eval` arguments are evaluated][#334].
[#334]: http://abcl.org/trac/ticket/334
Thanks for the bugs…