2009/8/3 Mark Evenson <evenson@panix.com>:
I just finished making the corrections you suggested: http://www.automatous-monk.com/jvmlanguages/abcl/Armed_Bear_Common_Lisp.html I also improved the format a lot. Would there be any interest in moving this over (or a modified version of this over) to the Armed Bear web site as a start on User Documentation? I think we would be interested in including your contribution but you'll have to be a little patient with us for a more detailed reply. Erik, who has a pretty clear idea of presentation vis a vis the ABCL web
On 8/2/09 7:15 PM, Paul Reiners wrote: pages, is on vacation until August 15. Thanks for the proposed contribution! Mark
I have read that doc a couple of times, and I like it. Sure, there's some duplication between that and the documentation we have, and cross-referencing the existing examples would perhaps be nice, but it looks quite good to me. It'll take a while before we can integrate it, as Mark said, because of vacations. Anyhow, I think it looks like a valuable addition to what we have, and also looks like a nice basis on top of which to build further documentation.