CL-USER> (DIRECTORY "jar:file:/Users/alanr/Desktop/jar2go.jar!/abcl-module-*.lisp") Calling (DIRECTORY "jar:file:/Users/alanr/Desktop/jar2go.jar!/abcl-module-*.lisp") DIRECTORY returned #<FILE-ERROR {E2C42F}> #<FILE-ERROR {E2C42F}> CL-USER> (describe *) #<FILE-ERROR {E2C42F}> is an instance of #<STANDARD-CLASS FILE-ERROR {8917A2}>. The following slots have :INSTANCE allocation: FORMAT-CONTROL "Not a wild pathname." FORMAT-ARGUMENTS NIL PATHNAME #P"jar:file:/Users/alanr/Desktop/jar2go.jar!/abcl-module-*.lisp" ; No value Below is the function I use for directory in jars. Please consider including it until there is a correct implementation in java. (defun directory-in-jar (pathname) (let* ((device (pathname-device pathname)) (jarfile (namestring (car device))) (rest-pathname (namestring (make-pathname :directory `(:absolute ,@(cdr (pathname-directory pathname))) :name (pathname-name pathname) :type (pathname-type pathname))))) (if (or (position #\* (namestring rest-pathname)) (wild-pathname-p rest-pathname)) (let ((jar (jnew "java.util.zip.ZipFile" jarfile))) (let ((els (jcall "entries" jar))) (loop while (jcall "hasMoreElements" els) for name = (jcall "getName" (jcall "nextElement" els)) when (pathname-match-p (concatenate 'string "/" name) rest-pathname) collect (make-pathname :device (pathname-device pathname) :name (pathname-name name) :type (pathname-type name) :directory `(:relative ,@(cdr (pathname-directory name))))))) (let ((truename (probe-file pathname))) (if truename (list truename) nil)))))