Hi folks,
I'm searching for a (more systematic) documentation (or tutorial) about how to use Java libraries from ABCL.
I couldn't find anything else except the examples on "http://trac.common-lisp.net/armedbear/browser/trunk/abcl/examples/abcl".
Is there any such tutorial (or documentation) at all? Any feedback is very much appreciated!
Regards Nik
Hello, you might want to check jfli-abcl. Jfli, by Rich Hickey (who would later create Clojure), makes it possible to call Java from LispWorks. It was ported to ABCL by Andras Simon. You can I've just noticed you can find a recent (and improved) copy of jfli-abcl (including sample code) from http://github.com/avodonosov/abcl-idea/tree/master/src/abclidea/lisp/jfli-ab... My version of the file has a couple of extra things that might be useful. 1) I had to add a case to infer-box-type to be able to call functions with java.lang.Float arguments. (defun infer-box-type (x) (cond ((null x) nil) ((boxed? x) (jobject-class (get-ref x))) ((integerp x) integer.type) ((typep x 'single-float) float.type) ((numberp x) double.type) ........ 2) I think the following change was done by Alex Mizrahi (I took the file from abcl-web). I don't know if it's still required. < `(defclass ,(class-symbol full-class-name) < ,supers ())))))))) ---
`(unless (get ,class-sym :ensured) ;no fwd ref'd classes in abcl (ensure-java-class ,full-class-name) (defclass ,(class-symbol full-class-name) ,supers ())))))))))
I also added a "doto" macro similar to the one in Clojure (http://clojure.org/java_interop#toc15) (defmacro doto (object &body body) `(let ((object ,object)) ,@(loop for form in body collect `(,(first form) object ,@(rest form))) object)) so I can do things like (document.add (doto (pdfptable.new 3) (pdfptable.addCell (doto (pdfpcell.new (paragraph.new "header with colspan 2")) (pdfpcell.setColspan 2))) (pdfptable.addCell "A") (pdfptable.addCell "B"))) Cheers, Carlos