Hi Blake, others, Running our cl-bench tests on Windows finally succeeded (but they did need some tweaking). Below the results. The reference is the revision before the merge, the comparison (0.24) is a trunk revision of the last days; it's not exactly the comparison you were talking about, but it does seem like an indication. Here are the results: Armed Bear Common Lisp 0.23.0-dev Java 1.6.0_20 Sun Microsystems Inc. Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM Low-level initialization completed in 0.289 seconds. Startup completed in 3.552 seconds. Benchmark Reference Armed ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUM-PERMUTATIONS [ 2.31] 1.02 BOYER [ 3.66] 0.95 BROWSE [ 3.19] 0.19 DDERIV [ 0.99] 1.01 DERIV [ 0.71] 1.02 DESTRUCTIVE [ 1.03] 0.99 DIV2-TEST-1 [ 0.51] 1.03 DIV2-TEST-2 [ 2.02] 0.99 FFT [ 0.42] 1.12 FRPOLY/FIXNUM [ 1.56] 1.03 FRPOLY/BIGNUM [ 0.73] 1.02 FRPOLY/FLOAT [ 1.53] 1.02 PUZZLE [ 4.67] 1.02 TAK [ 7.70] 0.98 CTAK [ 20.68] 1.01 TRTAK [ 7.70] 1.0 TAKL [ 5.94] 0.97 STAK [ 10.92] 0.98 FPRINT/UGLY [ 2.69] 1.18 FPRINT/PRETTY [ 33.24] 1.01 TRAVERSE [ 20.80] 1.05 TRIANGLE [ 12.32] 1.06 RICHARDS [ 23.68] 1.04 FACTORIAL [ 0.42] 1.0 FIB [ 0.89] 1.0 FIB-RATIO [ 0.23] 1.12 ACKERMANN [ 31.31] 0.93 MANDELBROT/COMPLEX [ 0.57] 1.48 MANDELBROT/DFLOAT [ 0.07] 1.41 MRG32K3A [ 1.90] 1.11 CRC40 [ 19.55] 1.05 BIGNUM/ELEM-100-1000 [ 2.78] 1.14 BIGNUM/ELEM-1000-100 [ 0.77] 1.13 BIGNUM/ELEM-10000-1 [ 1.05] 1.21 BIGNUM/PARI-100-10 [ 0.05] 0.98 BIGNUM/PARI-200-5 [ 0.15] 0.99 PI-DECIMAL/SMALL [ 40.27] 1.07 PI-DECIMAL/BIG [ 87.37] 1.06 PI-ATAN [ 1.58] 1.04 PI-RATIOS [ 4.41] 1.04 HASH-STRINGS [ 1.72] 1.08 HASH-INTEGERS [ 1.38] 1.26 SLURP-LINES [ 0.00] 0.67 BOEHM-GC [ 9.29] 1.16 DEFLATE-FILE [ 12.08] 1.02 1D-ARRAYS [ 2.66] 1.17 2D-ARRAYS [ 13.33] 1.07 3D-ARRAYS [ 36.69] 1.06 BITVECTORS [ 3.49] 1.01 BENCH-STRINGS [ 21.73] 0.97 fill-strings/adjustable [ 11.19] 1.07 STRING-CONCAT [ 143.53] 0.95 SEARCH-SEQUENCE [ 2.28] 1.0 CLOS/defclass [ 1.0] 1.31 CLOS/defmethod [ 0.87] 1.37 CLOS/instantiate [ 42.83] 1.02 CLOS/simple-instantiate [ 143.36] 1.06 CLOS/methodcalls [ 8.87] 1.01 CLOS/method+after [ 5.36] 1.05 CLOS/complex-methods [ 3.55] 1.19 EQL-SPECIALIZED-FIB [ 1.40] 0.90 Reference time in first column is in seconds; other columns are relative Reference implementation: Armed Bear Common Lisp 0.23.0-dev Impl Armed: Armed Bear Common Lisp 0.24.0-dev === Test machine === Machine-type: X86 Machine-version: NIL Bye, Erik. On Thu, Nov 11, 2010 at 11:22 AM, Erik Huelsmann <ehuels@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi Blake,
On Sat, Nov 6, 2010 at 7:11 PM, Blake McBride <blake@mcbride.name> wrote:
I'd really like to run a bench mark before and after the commit in question. I spent a short time trying to run the benchmarks a while back but was unsuccessful getting it to run. Can you help me with this?
Sure. What's your platform? If it's Linux/unix, getting the tests to run is relatively easy: make sure you have "make" and follow the instructions in the README file.
When you have Windows, it's a bit harder. This is what I do to run the tests on my windows machine:
<in the cl-bench root directory> <open support.lisp> <search #+win32, replace with #+(or win32 windows)> <search #-win32, replace with #-(or win32 windows)> <save, close> cd files copy *.lisp *.olisp cd .. abcl :ld do-compilation-script :exit abcl :ld do-execute-script
I hope the above works for you!
On Wed, Oct 6, 2010 at 4:25 PM, Blake McBride <blake@mcbride.name> wrote:
That's helpful. Thanks. So now we need to do benchmark / runtime tests.
On Wed, Oct 6, 2010 at 4:17 PM, Erik Huelsmann <ehuels@gmail.com> wrote:
Before going to bed, I did a quick test - as discussed over GMail chat - to see how much they differ in compilation times on other software.
timing new code, Maxima compilation: 223.416s, loading: 25.8 timing old code, Maxima compilation: 204.063s, loading: 29.174
I have no idea of the variation of the Maxima compilation times; it looks like the new code is 10% slower at compiling, but 20% more efficient at loading. However, these were single runs, so my conclusions may be way off, depending on the variations.
On Tue, Oct 5, 2010 at 5:52 PM, Blake McBride <blake@mcbride.name> wrote:
I hadn't built ABCL in a little while so I checked out the latest version today and built it. It seemed to be significantly slower than before so I decided to investigate. This is what I found.
In the past I could build ABCL in 2:43. It now takes me 4:40. That (IMO) represents a pretty significant change in build time. I did a binary search and discovered that all of the change occurred at revision 12918 - Generic Class File Branch Merge.
In general, I could't care less about the build time unless it is indicative of a problem that could rear its head in my application. Where is that time being spent? Is there a change in runtime? Loading? Compiling?
I'd be real interested in this.
Blake McBride
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