On Fri, May 7, 2010 at 6:12 PM, Alan Ruttenberg alanruttenberg@gmail.com wrote:
This is the javadoc for the class: http://owlapi.sourceforge.net/javadoc/uk/ac/manchester/cs/owl/owlapi/OWLClas... Here is the errors. Suggestions: Catch errors in print-object and print anyways, with flag if you really want to signal error. -Alan
Inconsistent precedence graph.
Hi Alan,
the error was probably caused by the code that computed the class precedence list for JAVA-CLASSes, which didn't remove duplicate entries (which can happen with interfaces). I fixed that and committed to trunk.
While I was at it, I also rationalized a bit the order of the classes in the CPL:
1. first come Java classes 2. then interfaces 3. then java.lang.Object 4. and finally non-Java CLOS classes.
the motivation for that is 1. and 2. concrete classes are arguably more specific than interfaces; 3. "everything is an (java.lang.)Object"; 4. well, they have to be there ;)
Let me know if that fixes your bug and if you have further comments or observations.
Cheers, Alessio