Don Cohen wrote:
Mark Evenson writes:
Attached is a patch against SLIME CVS HEAD to implement multi-threading
Is there some documentation about how to use multithreading in abcl?
No, unfortunately there isn't, and I've never totally convinced myself from reading the code that the internals of ABCL are going to hold up under heavy usage, which was part of my motivation to try this out. The interfaces, such as they exist, can be seen in [LispThread.java][1], all existing in the EXTERNAL package. A quick transcription of the source code: (MAKE-THREAD FUNCTION &key NAME) Creates and runs a thread to evalulate FUNCTION setting the NAME. (THREADP OBJECT) Boolean predicate whether OBJECT is a thread. (THREAD-ALIVE-P THREAD) Boolean predicate whether THREAD is alive. (THREAD-NAME THREAD) Return name of THREAD. (SLEEP SECONDS) Cause the invoking thread to sleep SECONDS which can be expressed as a fraction, i.e. (sleep .1) would sleep for 100ms. (MAPCAR-THREADS FUNCTION) Apply FUNCTION to each of the threads created via MAKE-THREAD. (DESTROY-THREAD THREAD) Mark THREAD as destroyed. (INTERRUPT THREAD FUNCTION &rest ARGS) Interrupt thread to apply function to args. Order of interrupts is not guaranteed. Thread should resume processing after processing all outstanding interupts (USE-FAST-CALLS BOOLEAN) Sets an internal optimization for execution to BOOLEAN. [1]: http://trac.common-lisp.net/armedbear/browser/trunk/abcl/src/org/armedbear/l... Of these functions, I am only sure that MAKE-THREAD and SLEEP work. Setting the thread's name doesn't currently work, but I'll fix that with patches when I get a chance. And add docstrings with the above content.
I've never used slime but am looking at the doc now. What I was hoping to see but don't yet is how to debug a thread. In particular, I want to know how to - break a running thread (so it goes into the debugger) - connect an emacs buffer to the debugger ONLY in that thread
This is beyond my knowledge. From a quick browsing of the SLIME source there is a thread browser with a DEBUG-NTH-THREAD function that looks like a promising answer to your first question.
If there is any current support for these things, even in some other lisp implementation, even in some emacs package other than slime, please send a link.
I would have said your best bet for multi-threading SLIME interaction is probably [SBCL][2] on a supported multi-threading platform (I know that Linux and OSX are supported), but I just tried the promising SLIME-LIST-THREADS emacs function, returning a condition stating that SWANK-BACKEND:ALL-THREADS isn't implemented. You might try asking on the [SLIME mailing list][3]. Note that the SLIME community is a very "hack it yourself" oriented group, as there aren't releases per se. [2]: http://www.sbcl.org/ [3]: nntp://news.gmane.org/gmane.lisp.slime.devel -- "A screaming comes across the sky. It has happened before, but there is nothing to compare to it now."