Another reason might be that the string looks like garbage. Maybe a character encoding issue - haven't run it on a mac, which I am now. It was definitely working on the big machine. ... Yes, character encoding. For the purposes of test use (unwind-protect (let ((name (#"getName" next-in))) (funcall fn (jss:new 'java.lang.string buffer 0 size "UTF-8") name)) (#"close" in-stream)) in jar-map, which gets the string as UTF-8. I need to think about what the right way to handle this in general. Presumably there is some way to figure out the character encoding... -Alan On Thu, Sep 26, 2013 at 4:38 PM, Alan Ruttenberg <alanruttenberg@gmail.com>wrote:
which should result in matches for all jars, because every jar that Maven uses, has a manifest contains the string "Manifest-Version: 1.0". But I get no hits, and the execution is so fast, that I suspect that the matcher is not actually working on anything for some reason. Since you pass a closure with a reference to the regex as the function to THEREADS:MAKE-THREAD, trying to TRACE stuff doesn't seem to work so well.
I need to spend more time with the matcher to understand why I am not generating any hits. Any ideas on your end?
Yah. The, the search is case sensitive. You are searching for MANIFEST and the title of the entry is MANIFEST but the file has the string "Manifest" :)