Hi, I've made some progress, but ran into a problem. I see that SYSTEM:AVAILABLE-ENCODINGS returns a list of symbols which represent the various encodings that are discovered via Charset.availableCharsets. That's great, but the symbols are apparently not interned in the keyword package, so it makes it somewhat confusing to determine whether a given encoding is on the list. e.g. (member :utf-16 (system:available-encodings)) returns NIL, although looking at the list, you can see that :UTF-16 is there. Confusingly, (mapcar #'symbol-package (system:available-encodings)) shows that all symbols are in the keyword package, but (find-symbol "UTF-16" :keyword) returns NIL. I believe the problem is that availableEncodings in src/org/armedbear/lisp/Stream.java says, in part, (at line 399 in the current version) new Symbol(charset, PACKAGE_KEYWORD) but I think more appropriate would be PACKAGE_KEYWORD.intern(charset) or, at any rate, something to intern the charset symbol in the package, since the Symbol constructor doesn't have that effect. What does anyone think about that? I tried to sign in to Trac to enter a bug report about this but wasn't able. (1) "Login" wants a common-lisp.net user id -- I don't see a method to obtain a user id on the common-lisp.net website. (2) "OpenId login", clicked on Google, got: "Error in discovery: HTTP Response status from identity URL host is not 200. Got status 404". Hope this helps, and all the best. Robert Dodier