Anton Vodonosov wrote:
2009/7/13 Mark Evenson <evenson@panix.com>:
I'm not totally convinced as to what would happen to the eql-specialization cache in the face of subsequent redefinitions, but can't really come up with a good counter-example.
More precisely it's not only eql-specialized method cache, but cache for all the (effective) methods.
[…] Thanks for the more detailed explanation of what's going on here. It gives me a better place to meditate for my understanding.
Christophe Rhodes in sbcl-help once pointed me to "Efficient Method Dispatch in PCL" by Kiczales and Rodriguez. Maybe you'll find it useful (I personally still haven't worked through this 15 pages doc; but the quick glance i made at that time gave me understanding that CLOS dispatch is optimized by caching and therefore helped to understand the ABCL code now).
Further help in this paper ["Efficient Method Dispatch in PCL"][1] is also appreciated. [1]: http://www2.parc.com/csl/groups/sda/publications/papers/Kiczales-Andreas-PCL... -- "A screaming comes across the sky. It has happened before, but there is nothing to compare to it now."