On Feb 6, 2019, at 12:51, Anton Vodonosov <avodonosov@yandex.ru> wrote:
05.02.2019, 21:13, "Mark Evenson" <evenson@panix.com>:
On Feb 5, 2019, at 08:34, Mark Evenson <evenson@panix.com> wrote:
On Feb 5, 2019, at 05:49, Anton Vodonosov <avodonosov@yandex.ru> wrote:
1.5 fails with NullPointerException 1.4 with org.armedbear.lisp.Go
In a fresh installation of ABCL which doesn’t have the cached jar artifact present, I am getting failures with loading CFFI due to the JNA artifact version not being available.
Unfortunately, just downloading the new jna-5.2.0 artifact may not be enough in all circumstances due to problem with mvn-3.6.0. Stay tuned, sports fans…
I don't know if you see the same error. If you want to reproduce mine, here are the steps:
After logging into the provided environment, the failures seem to to be related the use of Red Hat’s IcedTea Java 6 implementation. It would be better to use openjdk6 for your, as that’s what the implementation has been most tested upon. Ideally, I would like to look into supporting as many open Java6 implementations as possible, but resources are somewhat constrained in just moving things somewhat forward. I will try to return to Red Hat Iced Tea support when I have time. -- "A screaming comes across the sky. It has happened before but there is nothing to compare to it now."