On 10 February 2011 08:56, Mark Evenson <evenson@panix.com> wrote:
As for supporting even more of the Java ecosystem, I would parenthetically add there are two more potential ways to broaden our reach that I can think of that are lying dormant around my various filesystems. One would be including Eclipse project information in the trunk, sharing most of the build instructions with Ant. The second would be including OSGi packaging information in our jar which I worked with Alan as part of the URI PATHNAME work to implement. My time is very constrained to move these along, especially with testing as Eclipse/Equinox are not in my daily toolbox, but if someone has an ability to test either, I can package up my current diffs for distribution via email.
Eclipse seemed to import our ant build pretty effortlessly. I haven't needed any ready-made eclipse project file to run/debug abcl with eclipse.