COMPILE-FILE is supposed to expand all macros in such a way that they will not be expanded again when the compiled file is loaded. ( The file below has 4 output lines that start with "*** Expanding macro". None of those lines should be printed when the compiled file is loaded. ------- begin test-min-compilation.lisp ------- (macrolet ((m1 () (format t "~&*** Expanding macro 1.~%") '(format t "~&Output of macro 1.~%"))) (m1)) (defconstant +dc+ (macrolet ((m2 () (format t "~&*** Expanding macro 2 inside DEFCONSTANT.~%") '(format t "~&Output of macro 2.~%"))) (m2))) (defparameter *dp* (macrolet ((m3 () (format t "~&*** Expanding macro 3 inside DEFPARAMETER.~%") '(format t "~&Output of macro 3.~%"))) (m3))) (defvar *dv* (macrolet ((m4 () (format t "~&*** Expanding macro 4 inside DEFVAR.~%") '(format t "~&Output of macro 4.~%"))) (m4))) ------- end test-min-compilation.lisp ------- CCL, CLISP, ECL and SBCL print none of the 4, ABCL prints 3 of the 4. This one might be relatively easy, because ABCL is already handling #1 correctly, and just needs to handle #2/3/4 in the same way as #1. The rest of this message is the transcript. $ java -jar abcl-344b4f66.jar Armed Bear Common Lisp 1.8.1-dev Java 1.8.0_272 Oracle Corporation OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM Low-level initialization completed in 0.183 seconds. Startup completed in 0.837 seconds. Type ":help" for a list of available commands. CL-USER(1): (compile-file "test-min-compilation.lisp") ; Compiling /tmp/foo/test-min-compilation.lisp ... ; (M1) *** Expanding macro 1. ; (DEFCONSTANT +DC+ ...) *** Expanding macro 2 inside DEFCONSTANT. Output of macro 2. ; (DEFPARAMETER *DP* ...) ; (DEFVAR *DV* ...) ; Wrote /tmp/foo/test-min-compilation.abcl (0.163 seconds) #P"/tmp/foo/test-min-compilation.abcl" NIL NIL CL-USER(2): (load "test-min-compilation.abcl") Output of macro 1. *** Expanding macro 2 inside DEFCONSTANT. Output of macro 2. *** Expanding macro 3 inside DEFPARAMETER. Output of macro 3. *** Expanding macro 4 inside DEFVAR. Output of macro 4. T CL-USER(3):