On 7/30/09 7:34 PM, Tobias C. Rittweiler wrote: […]
(frame-to-list #<JAVA-STACK-FRAME>) => ("class.meth(file.java:NN)")
I think it should return ("class.meth" :file "file.java" :line NN) so higher levels can use that information. (For example `v' in SLDB.)
Agreed. I had a version doing plist like things as well, which makes a lot more sense for tools further down the line. I was going to make the whole result a plist so as not to trip up future reorderings. Would you just have the first element of the list be a string?
I do not understand the question. Could you provide examples, please?
I meant that the list returned would be a proper plist, with a key for every value, such as (frame-to-list #<JAVA-STACK-FRAME>) => (:CLASS "classname" :METHOD "methodName" :LINE-NUMBER 343 :FILE "s.java" :NATIVE-METHOD t) -- "A screaming comes across the sky. It has happened before, but there is nothing to compare to it now."