On Mon, Oct 5, 2009 at 5:08 PM, Erik Huelsmann <ehuels@gmail.com> wrote:
Just a quick response, since I'm at work:
A quick response is always appreciated... ;)
This happens to me too with recent versions from SVN. I guess it's a bug.
It is indeed a bug. It's fall-out from the change Mark Evenson committed to catch unmatched Go and Return exceptions. I committed a change yesterday which should prevent that type of exception (unmatched, that is) to ever happen. I'll check his change and revert the bit which causes these control errors.
I thought this would be the case.
We're looking for someone (or funding so I can quit my day-job :-) to implement d-m-c. It's been one of the things we deerly want to implement but which exceeds the time and effort available at the moment. Hence we're addressing other issues, such as performance, first.
Is it a lot of work, then?
Hope that explains some.
That's great, thanks for that.