On 2/17/11, Mark Evenson <evenson@panix.com> wrote:
On 2/16/11 14:34 , Theam Yong Chew wrote:
[1] CL-USER(1): (load "jar:file:/home/tyc20/Dropbox/temp/a%20space/hello.jar!/hello.abcl") #<THREAD "interpreter" {12C9557}>: Debugger invoked on condition of type FILE-ERROR Loadable FASL not found for 'jar:file:/home/tyc20/Dropbox/temp/a%20space/hello.jar!/hello.abcl' in 'jar:jar:file:/home/tyc20/Dropbox/temp/a%2520space/hello.jar!/hello.abcl!/hello._' Restarts: 0: ABORT Return to debug level 1.
So to clarify, it wasn't a "Failed to create URI" error, but a "Loadable FASL not found" error.
It looks like you might have encountered a more serious problem with our classloader. Can you mail me a copy of the failing jar file?
I've included that, but I don't think there's anything significant about it. Here's the original source: ==== hello.lisp ==== (format t "Hello.~%") ================ Compile and jar up like so: (compile-file "...hello.lisp") Then at a command line, jar cf hello.jar hello.abcl That's it.
You might try recompiling all the FASLs if you have upgraded the 'abcl.jar' you use recently, but this probably won't help.
Yeah, I've check that. I'm quite sure I'm consistently using abcl-0.24.0 Thanks for your prompt attention. Yong.