Any news on this bug?
I'd say it is the minimal repro for the error that I reported to the list about loading stmx on abcl >= 1.8.0.
Massimiliano Ghilardi
I’m running the Closer to MOP tests, and see at least one bug. (With the limited time I have available, I can only do one bug at a time, step by step, so there might be more.)
Armed Bear Common Lisp 1.9.0Java 17.0.3 Azul Systems, Inc.OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VMLow-level initialization completed in 0.095 seconds.Startup completed in 0.469 seconds.Loading /Users/costanza/.abclrc completed in 3.554 seconds.Type ":help" for a list of available commands.CL-USER(1): (use-package :mop)
(defclass my-effective-slot-definition (standard-effective-slot-definition)())
(defclass my-class (standard-class)())
(defmethod validate-superclass((class my-class)(superclass standard-class))t)
(defmethod effective-slot-definition-class((class my-class) &rest initargs)(declare (ignore initargs))(find-class 'my-effective-slot-definition))
(defclass my-object ()((my-slot :allocation :class))(:metaclass my-class))TCL-USER(2): CL-USER(2): #<STANDARD-CLASS MY-EFFECTIVE-SLOT-DEFINITION {731A05FD}>CL-USER(3): CL-USER(3): #<STANDARD-CLASS MY-CLASS {42C6245B}>CL-USER(4): CL-USER(4): #<STANDARD-METHOD VALIDATE-SUPERCLASS (MY-CLASS STANDARD-CLASS) {4959790F}>CL-USER(5): CL-USER(5): #<STANDARD-METHOD EFFECTIVE-SLOT-DEFINITION-CLASS (MY-CLASS) {2AAA2CBF}>CL-USER(6): CL-USER(6): #<THREAD "interpreter" {25793D3C}>: Debugger invoked on condition of type UNBOUND-SLOTThe slot LOCATION is unbound in the object #<MY-EFFECTIVE-SLOT-DEFINITION {32EB5C37}>.Restarts:0: TOP-LEVEL Return to top level.[1] CL-USER(7):