On 6/4/11, Mark Evenson <evenson@panix.com> wrote:
On 6/4/11 6:43 AM, Theam Yong Chew wrote:
To be clear I can
a) LOAD a fasl ("an *.abcl file") with a space in its pathname
(load "/Users/evenson/work/abcl/bugs/foo bar.abcl")
b) LOAD a fasl from a jar file with a space in the jar pathname
(load "jar:file:/Users/evenson/work/abcl/bugs/a%20space/foo%20bar.abcl!/foo._")
what I can't do with the current trunk code is
c) Load a fasl with a space in its name from a jar
;;; FAILS (load "jar:file:/Users/evenson/work/abcl/bugs/xx.jar!/xx/foo bar.abcl")
Can you verify that only the last case fails for you without your patch? Can you provide additional examples of bad behavior?
Hi, Sorry for the slow reply, I've been thinking about a good way to go about this problem. test.lisp is my initial attempt at exposing all possible space-in-path possibilities (probably not complete yet). It's also not very systematic yet, but for now, I'm trying to find out both cases that work and cases that don't. In the following, I'm trying to compare the differences between an older abcl and my single-line patched version. I'm sorry the test indices are not too informative, as this is just a rough first try, and I need to go to sleep soon (please double check test.lisp, I might have been sloppy too). "0.25.0-dev-svn-13229" ; Compiling /home/tyc20/lisp/abcl-space-in-pathname/foo.lisp ... ; Wrote /home/tyc20/lisp/abcl-space-in-pathname/foo.abcl (0.003 seconds) ; Compiling /home/tyc20/lisp/abcl-space-in-pathname/foo.lisp ... ; Wrote /tmp/foo.abcl (0.003 seconds) ; Compiling /home/tyc20/lisp/abcl-space-in-pathname/foo.lisp ... ; Wrote /tmp/foo bar.abcl (0.004 seconds) 4: Failed to create URI from '/tmp/foo bar.abcl': Illegal character in path at index 13: file:/tmp/foo bar.abcl 5: File not found. 6: File not found. 7: File not found. 8: File not found. 13: Loadable FASL not found for 'jar:file:/tmp/a%20space/xx.jar!/foo.abcl' in 'jar:jar:file:/tmp/a%2520space/xx.jar!/foo.abcl!/foo._' 14: Failed to create URI from '/tmp/a space/xx.jar': Illegal character in path at index 11: file:/tmp/a space/xx.jar 15: File not found. 16: File not found. 17: File not found. Using my "one-line patch" to the above branch, ; Compiling /home/tyc20/lisp/abcl-space-in-pathname/foo.lisp ... ; Wrote /home/tyc20/lisp/abcl-space-in-pathname/foo.abcl (0.003 seconds) ; Compiling /home/tyc20/lisp/abcl-space-in-pathname/foo.lisp ... ; Wrote /tmp/foo.abcl (0.003 seconds) ; Compiling /home/tyc20/lisp/abcl-space-in-pathname/foo.lisp ... ; Wrote /tmp/foo bar.abcl (0.004 seconds) 3: Failed to create URI from '/tmp/foo bar.abcl': Illegal character in path at index 13: file:/tmp/foo bar.abcl 4: Failed to create URI from '/tmp/foo bar.abcl': Illegal character in path at index 13: file:/tmp/foo bar.abcl 5: File not found. 6: File not found. 7: File not found. 8: File not found. 14: Failed to create URI from '/tmp/a space/xx.jar': Illegal character in path at index 11: file:/tmp/a space/xx.jar 15: File not found. 16: File not found. 17: File not found. Hope this is a good starting point? I believe this can later be folded into the unit tests? Yong