Hi John, On Fri, May 21, 2010 at 11:57 AM, John Pallister <john@synchromesh.com> wrote:
On Fri, May 21, 2010 at 8:39 AM, Erik Huelsmann <ehuels@gmail.com> wrote:
So, the conclusion must be that our fasl reader is great, to the extent that it allows human-readable fasls, but it brings us the negative side effect that we start up too slow to be useable on - for example - Google App Engine.
Oh, really? Bugger. I was hoping to get to that (ABCL + GAE) later in the year, but I haven't had time to explore it much. Are there many other people interested in this use case? I'd be keen to hear how others have got on with this (i.e. is there anyone who hasn't given up 'cause it's too slow). How does ABCL compare with Clojure in this regard (speed of initial start-up)?
We currently start up in 11 seconds "Google time" (this is not wall clock; wall clock may be much shorter). After initial startup, requests may take only miliseconds. In earlier posts about Clojure, I seem to remember it took them 5.5 secs. BTW: our current 11 seconds used to be much more: before extensive optimization reseach half a year ago, it was 19 seconds. The mail I wrote is put in the terms it is in, mainly because of my own disappointment that I wasn't able to solve the bottleneck.
Thanks, and keep up all the great work,
Bye, Erik.