Dear ABCL developers, trying to "compile-file" the following fragment of code using the latest release results in an error "s2 argument 32778 out of 16-bit signed range." ----------------------------------------------------- (defmacro many-functions (n) (append '(progn) (loop for i from 1 to n collect `(defun ,(intern (format nil "TEST~A" i)) () (print ,i))))) (many-functions 1525) ----------------------------------------------------- There are no problems with 0.20 (even for much bigger values of the parameter, i.e. bigger output files). I encountered the problem with a file containing several calls to the macro def-java-class in Jfli. It took me some time to discover that splitting the file in two was enough to make the problem go away... This is not a critical bug (it's usually easy to reorganize the code to ensure the files are small enough), but you might want to look at it. Cheers, Carlos