Hi Anton,

Thanks for the explanation on how to grovel ASDF dependencies!

As a CL user I can suggest another perspective to increase adoption of a CL implementation:
improving developer experience. Good slime integration, fast slime (fuzzy) competions,
convenient sldb debugger, with local variables and so on.

Today ABCL is not bad from this perspective: slime competion work (speeding them up will be good though),
slime functions argument hints work, slime-go-to-definition work. But of course there are always room
for improvement. For me as a developer the dev enviroment convinience and development speed
is more important even than execution speed of my code. So, after fixing the important libraries,
you could probably consider development convenience as and area for attention.

Right. Completely agreed. I have had ideas how to work on this for quite some time now. However, since the actual number of ABCL users has been fairly low (and the ones that did, seemed to get by with what's there), increasing library support seemed to be the best investment. Now that that's come such a long way, it does seem right to divert our attention to other problems indeed. So far, it's always been my intent to make it work on compiled code. However, maybe it's better to make it work on interpreted code first and only *then* move it to compiled code since that will mean quite a bit of impact on the compiler as well. (The compiler is structured around java stack frames, which don't take LET or M-V-B blocks into account.
Best regards,
- Anton

