2009/7/28 Peter Tsenter <ptsenter@hotmail.com>:
What I'm afraid of is there is a more fundamental issue here and this patch makes it even more hidden.
Well, if that's the case, we can always back it out. I understand the concern, but I don't want to be paralyzed by such concerns.
BTW, ANSI standard does not allow &aux in generic functions (sec 3.4.2), but this version of clos treats it as a legitimate citizen. Question: how do you explain why the patch does not catch reinitialize-instance.error.1? How does this case differ from the other 3?
I'm still investigating reinitialize-instance.error.1. It's a bit odd, since it seems to work correctly when the test is copy-pasted to the interpreter. I have no proper explanation for it. If I had, it'd be fixed by now. :) I urge you to remember that this is a foreign code base for all of us - we may end up taking wrong steps occasionally while searching for the right thing to fix. Be that as it may, I'm not all that worried about the param-check patch. It's very small and relatively isolated.