Hi, I'm astalla on the LispForum, sorry for not answering there. The fmcs.bin looks suspicious to me, how exactly are you compiling the file? Are you specifying the name of the output file? Try omitting it if that's the case and see if anything changes. Anyway I'll try it by myself this evening, I'll let you know if I find out what's going wrong. Regards, Alessio On Tue, Feb 28, 2012 at 12:28 PM, scarbonell@ono.com <scarbonell@ono.com> wrote:
When I try to compile the mcs-core.cl file (attached) with java abcl, I get this error:
Failed to get InputStream for 'jar:file:D:/otro/kernel/modules/fmcs.bin!/mcs_core_4.cls' ABCL Debug.assertTrue() assertion failed! java.lang.Error: ABCL Debug.assertTrue() assertion failed!
Why is this happening? How can I resolved it?