On Sat, May 22, 2010 at 5:07 AM, Mark Evenson <evenson@panix.com> wrote:
On 5/21/10 1:26 PM, Alan Ruttenberg wrote:
4) Having some kind of classpath issues still. When I try (show-classtree "http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/iao.owl") (after loading my ow2 package sucessfully), which should exercise a bunch of stuff, I get a class not found error in the OWLAPI code.
I think this is fixed with my urn:svn.neurocommons.org:r3437 commit: I get the pretty Swing graphical rendering of the onotologg to appear.
OSGi's bundling rules require that all uses of packages in the core JavaSE not in java.* have to be explicitly listed in the Import-package statement, so this was a process of running Protege, noting the error, adding to MANIFEST.MF, restarting, and then repeating. I think I got better error messages than you as I was connecting to the bundle via SLIME, so was able to nose around in the inspector.
The only source of [OSGi documentation of any worth seems to be the specification itself][1]. From sparse reading, I would say that things are pretty grim for supporting the dynamic abilities of JSS code to use other parts of Protege. As far as I understand things, one needs to explicitly declare uses of other bundles at compile time. There does seem to be some provisions for locating services, but I don't think this is the way that Protege is coded.
I'm poking at that spec and am making a little progress. First, there's the directive "DynamicImport-Package: *". With that in the bundle I can successfully execute (jclass "javax.xml.xpath.XPathVariableResolver") where I couldn't without it. So perhaps that will work. I guess a test case is to remove the explicit javax imports you had to do and see if it still works. Useful post: http://codescale.wordpress.com/2009/05/22/basics-about-osgi-classloading/ That gave me the phrase "dynamic import" to look for. There's the source code for the bundle loader: http://tinyurl.com/2a4f7q8 And then there's this "resolution:=optional;" bit for bundles, that suggests I might be able to take the list of known bundles and make them all optional . The dynamic import did, however, fail to find a class inside a bundle that I didn't mention (org.coode.annotate.Template). Have to look into that. -Alan
[1]: http://www.osgi.org/download/r4v42/r4.core.pdf
Any sketches of use cases for how you want to extend Protege with this thing?
-- "A screaming comes across the sky. It has happened before, but there is nothing to compare to it now."