El Martes, 13 de mayo de 2014 21:02:18 Erik Huelsmann escribió:

> Hi Rafael,


> On Tue, May 13, 2014 at 8:56 PM, Erik Huelsmann <ehuels@gmail.com> wrote:

> > Hi Rafael,

> >

> > On Mon, May 12, 2014 at 11:20 PM, Sistemas <sistemas@dedaloingenieros.com>wrote:

> >> Hi:

> >>

> >> I'm trying to start some processes and connect them using pipes with ABCL

> >> (like Unix shell pipes). I've reviewed the documentation but I haven't

> >> found

> >> anything. Are I missing something? If not, are there any plans of adding

> >> input, output and error parameters for run-program (like SBCL, CCL,

> >> etc.)?

> >

> > There's a function like that in run-program.lisp:

> [ snip ]


> This makes me discover RUN-PROGRAM:


> CL-USER(1): (apropos 'run-program)




> The following returns the required documentation for me:


> CL-USER(2): (documentation #'system:run-program 'function)

> "<text I pasted for you before>"



> Hope that helps you consult the docs!


Hi Erik:


Thankyou, I've seen the documentation before sending my original mail :)

I tryed to make a simple pipe with this piece of code:


(let ((p1 (system:run-program "echo" '("zero") :wait nil))

(p2 (system:run-program "grep" '("zero") :wait nil)))

(setf (system:process-input p2) (system:process-output p1))

(system:process-wait p1)

(system:process-wait p2))


It hangs, so I don't know if I am missing something.


Thanks again :)

Rafael J. Alcántara Pérez.



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