Dear ABCL developers, While ABCL can handle spaces (& others) in file pathnames just fine, a space in jar file pathnames still doesn't work. I have confirmed this on Linux, Mac and Windows. An example using Cygwin, $ java -jar abcl.jar Armed Bear Common Lisp 0.24.0 Java 1.6.0_20 Sun Microsystems Inc. Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM Low-level initialization completed in 0.625 seconds. Startup completed in 4.438 seconds. Type ":help" for a list of available commands. CL-USER(1): (load "jar:file:e:/My Dropbox/temp/a space/hello.jar!/hello.abcl") #<THREAD "interpreter" {9AC0F5}>: Debugger invoked on condition of type FILE-ERROR Failed to create URI from 'e:/My Dropbox/temp/a space/hello.jar': Illegal character in opaque part at index 10: file:e:/My Dropbox/temp/a space/hello.jar Restarts: 0: TOP-LEVEL Return to top level. (and yeah, this particular path already has a space character in "My Dropbox" along with my original intended "a space" folder) By the way, thanks for the :wildcard directory support (I've only just tested that, it works for me now!). Yong.