On 4/29/17 21:48, Frederico Munoz wrote:
I'm almost done with my small experiment:
* I'm loading lisp code via a Java file using Load.loadSystemFile in an init method
* I'm adding the file file to *lisp-home* via gradle
* I'm using gradle tasks to create a single JAR with abcl and abcl-contrib added (not as JAR files)
Note that I need to have only one jar file and with specific requirements around the main method; the above allows me to have it working fine, a single JAR which is essentially standalone.
If you could detail the requirements you have around the main method a little bit, that would help understand more exactly where you are heading. From reading between the lines based on your [comments around your Watson IoT example][1], I *think* you are trying to make a WAR that will deploy to Jetty, so I am going to take an educated guess that that is what you are trying to create. [1]: https://developer.ibm.com/recipes/tutorials/watson-iot-with-common-lisp/ A couple pointers on making WAR with ABCL: 1) [abcl-servlet][2] provides infrastructure for making an example WAR archive which has ABCL-CONTRIB available. The WAR only works for Java Servlet containers that provide an "exploded WAR" deployment strategy, i.e. at deployment the WAR archive is unzipped onto the local filesystem. [2]: https://bitbucket.org/easye/abcl-servlet 2) Mucking with Load.loadSystemFile() and *LISP-HOME* should not be necessary, as these are really meant to be internal interfaces to boot the Common Lisp environment. Of course, you are welcome to experiment, but it would be best not to rely on these interfaces if at all possible. The values for the logical pathname SYS *should* be the "right way" forward to identify what *LISP-HOME* points to. Logical pathnames are better as they easily allow us to "update" the directory with the runtime value without having to explicitly re-merge the whole slew of PATHNAME objects derived from the build-time value. 3) Gradle recipes are cool. We would like to eventually include Gradle support in the ABCL build mechanism as it seems the most progressive of current ecosystem (especially now that Groovy has matured a bit). We would like to "call into" Ant for parts of the build as the current mechanism for controlling the artifacts and contents of 'abcl.jar' and 'abcl-contrib.jar' reside there and duplication of code paths would incur maintenance overhead.
My only remaining doubt (apart from other possible solutions which could also work and be more elegant, I'm open to suggestions of course) is around loading abcl-contrib.jar or more specifically the included packages (JSS and JFLI specifically). I've spent some hours tracking the loading mechanism and learned a bit about the process but I'm still missing some pieces.
The as yet unreleased abcl-1.5.0 contains [a top-level Ant target 'abcl-aio.jar'][4] that creates a single archive containing both abcl.jar, abcl-contrib.jar, plus whatever has been added to the build-time <file:abcl/contrib/> directory. [4]: http://abcl.org/trac/browser/trunk/abcl/build.xml#L521 With [abcl-aio][] we introduced a mechanism that introspects the jar manifest for declarations of ASDF systems to load when (require :abcl-contrib) is issued. [abcl-aio]: http://abcl.org/trac/changeset/14908 We intend for 'abcl-aio' to serve as the mechanism for the end-user/developer to craft custom jar files. Separately, there has been a long-standing mechanism to [include arbitrary code at system boot in a 'system.lisp' file][5] that could plausibly act as a hook for system intitialization, but I have never needed it to get WAR archives loaded in Java Servlet contexts. [5]: http://abcl.org/trac/browser/trunk/abcl/build.xml#L281 In short, if you were to build from ABCL trunk, I think you should have the mechanisms to do what you want. ABCL trunk (aka 'abcl-1.5.0-dev') is quite stable, essentially representing the current release candidate for abcl-1.5.0. I am still working on a couple things (Java 6 support for UIOP/RUN-PROGRAM, using ABCL-BUILD to install Ant and/or Maven via interactive restart, better tests for PATHNAME shennigans), but I keep the patches for this work separate from the ABCL trunk source until it passes tests. […]
I think there is something obvious I'm missing, the pieces are all there (the jar handling code works fine, etc) but I can't seem to find the right way to put them together.
ABCL-AIO isn't currently documented (a bug), so I would not consider it obvious. [ABCL-JAR][] essentially uses the same mechanism (i.e. pushing PATHNAMEs to ASDF:*CENTRAL-REGISTRY*) you are prototyping here, but of course you are trying to get ABCL-CONTRIB to work in the first place here so it won't be much help for the immediate task at hand. [abcl-jar]: http://abcl.org/trac/browser/trunk/abcl/contrib/asdf-jar/README.markdown Good luck, and lemme know what else you need, Mark -- "A screaming comes across the sky. It has happened before, but there is nothing to compare to it now."