22.01.2012, 13:09, "Anton Vodonosov" <avodonosov@yandex.ru>:
It would be good also to have a solution when fasls are loaded from jar directly. It would require to present jar as a file system to lisp, so that lisp functions merge-pathnames, open and others work on like #P"jar://some/path/".
It will solve the with choosing right temporary directory and will allow to load lisp code in environments where we don't have writable file system at all - Google App Engine.
Of course, I realize it is probably a significant work of source to support this, so it's just an idea rather than a "feature request".
BTW, if think in this direction, it makes sense to investigate firs what new java versions offer in regard to pluggable file systems: http://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/technotes/guides/io/fsp/zipfilesystempr...