I did some more work on the page tonight: http://www.automatous-monk.com/jvmlanguages/abcl/Armed_Bear_Common_Lisp.html I did the following: Added some links to already existing code samples Added a "Calling Java from Lisp" section. This was basically taken from Ville's example code (for which I gave credit and linked to). Added a note at the bottom stating that the code samples in the article are released under the GPL Used the ABCL site style-sheet for the page I think I should add a navigation bar on the left that links to the sections, but I'm not going to do that tonight. If anyone has any other ideas for improvement, let me know. Paul On Aug 3, 2009, at 8:48 AM, Ville Voutilainen wrote:
I have read that doc a couple of times, and I like it. Sure, there's some duplication between that and the documentation we have, and cross-referencing the existing examples would perhaps be nice, but it looks quite good to me. It'll