Hello, (defun foo () (symbol-macrolet ((x 3)) (symbol-macrolet ((y (nth-value 0 x))) y))) Compiling this with COMPILE (C-c-c in slime) warns about X being undefined, and an unbound X error occurs when FOO is run. (macroexpand-1 '(defun foo () (symbol-macrolet ((x 3)) (symbol-macrolet ((y (nth-value 0 x))) y)))) ;;=> (PROG1 (SYSTEM:%DEFUN 'FOO (SYSTEM:NAMED-LAMBDA FOO NIL (BLOCK FOO (LOCALLY (LOCALLY (NTH-VALUE 0 X))))))) X didn't get expanded. There is no problem when compiling the DEFUN form with COMPILE-FILE (C-c-k). _______________________________________________ Armedbear-devel mailing list Armedbear-devel@common-lisp.net http://common-lisp.net/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/armedbear-devel