17 Sep
17 Sep
8:56 a.m.
Steps to reproduce: * ABCL from svn, updated a few minutes ago. * Slime from CVS. * M-x slime-scratch * Put (defun test (x) ,bar) in the buffer * Press C-c C-c You'll see "Evaluation aborted." in the minibuffer even though the debugger should have popped up complaining about comma not being inside backquote. C-c C-c is SWANK-COMPILE-STRING in swank-abcl.lisp. If you follow the control flow, you'll see that in SLDB-LOOP (we come here through *DEBUGGER-HOOK*) in swank.lisp, __the UNWINDED-PROTECT's protected form is *never* executed and it goes straight to the cleanup forms.__ -T.