Hi Arie, I was hoping to get a new build out to you, but I don't think I'll be able to for a few weeks. In the mean time, you can produce a new j.jar by running "ant dist" from the command line. That will package up the build and docs together under a 'dist' directory. Kevin On Mon, 24 Jan 2011 04:26:22 -0800, Arie van Wingerden <xapwing@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi Kevin,
thanks for your help! Since I am not really a Java guy and am running Windows XP the whole build process is quite alien to me. However, I managed to download the trunk with SVN and built the classes using ANT.
After that point I got stuck, since no j.jar had been generated. I built a j.jar myself using this Windows CMD file: set cp=D:\downloads\Programming\ABCL Armed Bear Common Lisp\J-Editor\armedbear-j\trunk\j\build\classes jar cf d:/work/j.jar Main.class "%cp%"
Using cvf instead of cf didn't solve the problem.
When I run the jar it complains however that no manifest could be found. For you this is maybe an obvious thing. Could you point me to a solution, or, for me even better ;-), could you generate a correct j.jar for me?
Thx again. Arie