On Tue, Sep 22, 2009 at 10:28 AM, Don Cohen <don-sourceforge-xxz@isis.cs3-inc.com> wrote:
Alessio Stalla writes: > The point is that classloaders already work like this! When > classloader X loads a class, and that class refers to class C, X is > asked by the JVM to load C as well. In abcl we are not using this > feature, rather we use an ad-hoc loading model that needs temporary > files. I propose to replace that completely and adopt the JVM way. Ok, I think I finally understand all you said initially. I'm sorry to have put you to so much trouble explaining it. I hope a few others will benefit from this explanation.
No problem at all, I myself find this explanation much better than the first one :D
> ... However note that your example will probably be > compiled by abcl into a call like G.getSymbolFunction().execute(x) Ok, that's a reasonable escape hatch.
I believe it works like this, but I haven't the sources at hand to check it.
> i.e. G will not be resolved to a class at compile time (else how would > you handle redefinition?). However, what I'm talking about is (compile > 'f (lambda (x) (flet ((g (k) k)) (g x)))) - here g is known at compile > time, and compiled to its own class. (I understood that. The question above was a new one that arose in my mind from what you had been describing.)
> What I propose is this: suppose f is compiled to a class named foo41 > and g to foo42, then in one of foo41's methods you'll have code like > LispObject g = new foo42(). When loading foo41 we'll use our > abcl-specific classloader which knows how to resolve foo42 too > (because it knows where to read it from memory or from the file > system, depending on the type of compilation), and everything > magically works (I hope :) Sounds plausible but I can see why you say you hope. Good luck.
I say hope because I don't believe in magic :D
And thanks for your patience.
I have great patience, however I needn't use it to answer your posts; making things clear for others makes them clearer to me, so it's not a waste (provided the questions are intelligent, and yours were). Peace, A.