On 2/16/11 14:34 , Theam Yong Chew wrote: […]
Sorry Mark, I was going to add some more clarification to my original email, but you were too quick to reply! The above error message was actually slightly different from how I originally stumbled on the problem, which looked somewhat like this:
[1] CL-USER(1): (load "jar:file:/home/tyc20/Dropbox/temp/a%20space/hello.jar!/hello.abcl") #<THREAD "interpreter" {12C9557}>: Debugger invoked on condition of type FILE-ERROR Loadable FASL not found for 'jar:file:/home/tyc20/Dropbox/temp/a%20space/hello.jar!/hello.abcl' in 'jar:jar:file:/home/tyc20/Dropbox/temp/a%2520space/hello.jar!/hello.abcl!/hello._' Restarts: 0: ABORT Return to debug level 1.
So to clarify, it wasn't a "Failed to create URI" error, but a "Loadable FASL not found" error.
It looks like you might have encountered a more serious problem with our classloader. Can you mail me a copy of the failing jar file? You might try recompiling all the FASLs if you have upgraded the 'abcl.jar' you use recently, but this probably won't help. When I get the time, I'll try to examine your failure, synthesize a failing test, and we'll see from there. Finding the time will probably happen over the next couple days -- "A screaming comes across the sky. It has happened before, but there is nothing to compare to it now."