On 8/1/12 7:03 AM, Alan Ruttenberg wrote:
Well, that's cute. with constant signature expands into a call to jss:invoke-find-method called with the arguments to the first function call, saves that, and subsequently always uses jcall to call that specific method. The lookup calls jresolve method then setAccessible on the result. Perhaps it is the setAccessible that is doing the magic?
You should svn update - I've committed some changes elsewhere. I'm dealing with an annoyance - I updated abcl to trunk and am trying java 1.7. I get a startup (fatal) error unless I first delete the slime/swank compiled files. No clue what that's about. If you want you can see if you can reproduce and then file a report. Otherwise I'll get to it.
The java 1.7 I get from the Oracle site.
Work on the CLOS/AMOP has created weird errors that require removing fasls over the past several months, but it seems to have stablized somewhat across revisions. So, please, if something stops working in mysterious ways across svn revs, please do a full rebuild (and get take a break) while you recursively remove "~/.slime" and "~/.cache" before you tear too much hair out. I've been able to reproduce on oracle-jdk-1.7.0_05 running on x86_64-osx-10.8 so have filed this as [ticket #229][#229]. [#229]: http://trac.common-lisp.net/armedbear/ticket/229 @Alan: I'd appreciate you checking my logic on JSS:WITH-CONSTANT-SIGNATURE, as you can see from [r13937] when I fixed [#205], my previous understanding of what that macro should do was completely (and dangerously wrong). I will try to get some cycles later today to at this bug. [r13937]: http://trac.common-lisp.net/armedbear/changeset/13937 [#205]: http://trac.common-lisp.net/armedbear/ticket/205 -- "A screaming comes across the sky. It has happened before, but there is nothing to compare it to now."