To be honest, I think the problem is with the FASL generator: it should be prefixing (all) symbols with their packages when that's required to load the FASL back into a similar environment.
Yes. Here is some debug code:
---------------- ; put this before COMPILE-FILE's definition:
(defvar cl-user::*setq-needs-prefix* nil)
; put this around COMPILE-FILE's body:
(let ((cl-user::*setq-needs-prefix* (not (eq (find-symbol "SETQ") 'setq))))
; put this before WRITE's definition:
(defvar cl-user::*setq-needs-prefix* nil)
; put this before WRITE's body:
(when (and cl-user::*setq-needs-prefix* (eq (find-symbol "SETQ") 'setq)) (break "SETQ needs package prefix")) ----------------
Backtracing within that BREAK points a finger at this line in COMPILE-FROM-STREAM:
(let ((*package* (find-package '#:cl))
If I add one semicolon:
(let (;(*package* (find-package '#:cl))
then all of my own tests pass, though I haven't tried the full suite.
It's conceivably possible that _all_ of the manipulation of *PACKAGE* that happens during COMPILE-FILE could be removed, because the user is already required to have *PACKAGE* set correctly when invoking LOAD.