On 5 Sep 2012, at 12:33, Rudolf Schlatte <rudi@constantly.at> wrote:
On Aug 26, 2012, at 22:37, Pascal Costanza <pc@p-cos.net> wrote:
OK, on to the next bug: It seems that anonymous classes are always considered subtypes of other classes. This is not correct. Here is transcript:
CL-USER(1): (defparameter *c1* (make-instance 'standard-class)) *C1* CL-USER(2): (defparameter *c2* (make-instance 'standard-class)) *C2* CL-USER(3): (subtypep *c1* *c2*) T T
Nice. For more fun and games, consider (setf (class-name *c1*) t) - instant universal superclass. Anyway, both issues are hopefully fixed now.
I wonder if this should be added to ansi-tests.
This would probably make sense. On to the next bug: CL-USER(1): (use-package :mop) T CL-USER(2): (defclass my-class (standard-class) ()) #<STANDARD-CLASS MY-CLASS {5122152B}> CL-USER(3): (defmethod slot-unbound ((class my-class) object slot) (print :foo) (call-next-method)) #<STANDARD-METHOD SLOT-UNBOUND (MY-CLASS T T) {149BE3AA}> CL-USER(4): (defclass test () ((slot :accessor test-slot)) (:metaclass my-class)) #<MY-CLASS TEST {79BC8795}> CL-USER(8): (make-instance 'test) #<TEST {21BF4C80}> CL-USER(9): (slot-boundp * 'slot) T CL-USER(10): (test-slot **) :FOO #<THREAD "interpreter" {12EEA1E7}>: Debugger invoked on condition of type UNBOUND-SLOT The slot SLOT is unbound in the object #<TEST {21BF4C80}>. Restarts: 0: TOP-LEVEL Return to top level. It seems that as soon as a method on slot-unbound is defined, slot-boundp returns t no matter whether the slot is bound or not. This should not be the case. Another issue that I'm currently fighting with is initialization of class slots for classes for which I never create any instances: (defclass test () ((slot :initform 42 :allocation :class))) (slot-value (class-prototype (find-class 'test)) 'slot) will report an unbound slot. This is probably defensible based on the HyperSpec and the CLOS MOP specification, but I doubt its useful. I believe that class slots should be initialized in finalize-inheritance the latest, and not only in shared-initialize on instances, to be useful for such scenarios. (But it's fine if you disagree, then I have to live with that and find a different solution…) Pascal -- Pascal Costanza The views expressed in this email are my own, and not those of my employer.